Collection: Baby Sleeping Bags

Baby sleeping bags are safe sleep approved! Negating the need for loose blankets and wraps, sleeping bags are easy and safe to use. TOG rated so you know how to dress baby for bed. Baby sleep bags also prevent baby's arms and legs from getting stuck in cot rails. A safe infant sleeping bag is made so baby cannot slip inside the bag and become completely covered with options to keep their arms in or out of the sleeping bag. Often parents worry about their baby getting cold during the night and sleep bags provide constant warmth to baby all night without the use of additional baby blankets. Cocoon Sleeping bags can be used from newborn, wrapping baby up snugly with arms in so they feel secure and when baby is 3+ months you can transition them from swaddling to a sleeping bag. Baby sleeping bags have a two-way zipper for easy night time nappy changes without waking baby. The bell-shaped design is hip-friendly for growing hip joints, and are healthy hip institute approved. ergoPouch sleeping bags have been rated as a skin-friendly product by the Eczema Association of Australasia and won’t irritate a baby suffering with Eczema. Ergopouch sleeping bags are the safest and healthiest way to keep baby warm at night, in the pram, at child care, travelling or out and about. The versatile, lightweight sleeping bag design eliminates the need for separate blankets, making it a favourite of both parents and medical professionals. These stylish sleeping bags have options that can be used throughout infancy and toddlerhood with 7 different TOG temperature ratings to choose from. ergoPouch award-winning sleeping bags / sleep suits and swaddles offer babies a safe and comfortable sleep. Our baby sleeping bags are designed to be worn over pyjamas so baby can stay at a comfortable temperature all night long. Simply extend the length of the sleeping bag as your child grows, with an innovative grow-with-me function built into each design! Discover your child’s favourite colour or pattern. Made in Australia.